
At basic level and with guidance, I can:

- identify simple technical problems when operating

   devices and using digital environments.

- identify simple solutions to solve them.

identify simple technical problems when operating

   devices and using digital environments.

- identify simple solutions to solve them.


To identify technical problems when operating devices and using digital environments, and to solve them (from trouble-shooting to solving more complex problems).


a fundamental technical problem might involve connectivity issues with the school's Wi-Fi network. Students and teachers may encounter difficulties in accessing online resources, participating in virtual classes, or submitting assignments. Effective problem-solving would require identifying whether the issue lies with the network infrastructure, individual devices, or software configurations, and then taking appropriate steps to resolve it.


a common technical problem could revolve around online course platforms. Students or professors may encounter issues such as difficulty logging in, broken links, or malfunctioning interactive tools. Problem-solving in this context would entail diagnosing the specific issue, checking for system updates or browser compatibility, and seeking assistance from IT support or the platform provider to ensure a smooth learning experience.


a frequent technical challenge might involve digital literacy. Adult learners may struggle with basic computer skills, file management, or software navigation, hindering their ability to engage with course materials. Effective problem-solving here involves offering tailored digital literacy support, possibly through workshops or one-on-one guidance, to empower adult learners to overcome these foundational technical barriers and participate fully in their educational journey.